GFID 범부처방역연계 감연병연구개발재단

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Development of a SFTSV DNA vaccine that confers complete protection against lethal infection in ferrets

Jeong-Eun Kwak, Young-Il Kim, Su-Jin Park, Min-Ah Yu, Hyeok-Il Kwon, Su-Kyeong Eo, Tae-Shin Kim, Joon Seok, Won-Suk Choi, Ju-Hwan Jeong, Hyo-Jin Lee, Young-Ran Cho, Jin-Ah Kwon, Moon-sup Jeong, Joel N Maslow, Yong-Eun Kim, Hai-li Jeon, Kee K Kim, Eui-Cheo
Nature Communications

1. RFP : SFTS 감염실태 및 전파 방지 연구

2. 해당분과 : 2-1-4 과제

3. 과제명 : 중증열성혈소판감소증바이러스 (SFTSV)에 대한인체감염모델 확립을 위한 최적의 실험동물 발굴 및 이를 이용한 백신/치료물질 유효성 검증모델 구축

4. 연구책임자 : 정혜원(충북대학교)


Although the incidence of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV) infection has increased from its discovery with a mortality rate of 1020%, no effective vaccines are currently available. Here we describe the development of a SFTSV DNA vaccine, its immunogenicity, and its protective efcacy. Vaccine candidates induce both a neutralizing antibody response and multifunctional SFTSV-specic T cell response in mice and ferrets. When the vaccine efcacy is investigated in aged-ferrets that recapitulate fatal clinical symptoms, vaccinated ferrets are completely protected from lethal SFTSV challenge without developing any clinical signs. A serum transfer study reveals that anti-envelope antibodies play an important role in protective immunity. Our results suggest that Gn/Gc may be the most effective antigens for inducing protective immunity and non-envelope-specic T cell responses also can contribute to protection against SFTSV infection. This study provides important insights into the development of an effective vaccine, as well as corresponding immune parameters, to control SFTSV infection.