GFID 범부처방역연계 감연병연구개발재단

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제목 저자명 학술지명 발표년월 첨부파일
Hybridization of different types of exceptional points Jin-Hyeok Ryu, Sun-J.. Photonics Research 2019-12-01
Signal detection of human papillomavirus vaccines using the Korea Adverse Events Reporting System database, between 2005 and 2016 Jung-Ran, Ji-Young Y.. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2019-10-20
Selecting the Priority Research Topics Addressing Unmet Post-immunization Safety Needs: A Model for Generating Research Proposal and Designing a Questionnaire for the Clinical Experts Hyun-Jeong Kim, Hye-.. Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2019-09-30
An Introduction of the Active Vaccine Safety Surveillance System in Foreign Countries Na-Young Jeong, Sang.. Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics 2019-11-30
Malaria Incidence of the Regions Adjacent to the Demilitarized Zone in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Jong-Hun Kim, Ah-You.. Journal of Korean medical science 2019-09-23
Beauveria bassiana for the simultaneous control of Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens mosquito adults shows high conidia persistence and productivity Jin-Yong Lee, Ra-Mi .. AMB Express 2019-12-21
Acaricidal and antibacterial toxicities of Valeriana officinalis oils obtained by steam distillation extraction Seon-A Choi, Hoi-Seo.. Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry 2019-03-31
Preliminary report of knockdown resistance in Culex pipiens pallens and Aedes koreicus from Korea Ji-Hun Ryu, Do-Un Hw.. ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2019-09-04
Cross-genotype protection of live-attenuated vaccine candidate for severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus in a ferret model Kwang-Min Yu, Su-Jin.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019-12-26
Seroprevalence of Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Phlebovirus in Domesticated Deer in South Korea Min-Ah Yu, Kwang-Min.. Virologica Sinica 2019-10-01