GFID 범부처방역연계 감연병연구개발재단

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Cross-genotype protection of live-attenuated vaccine candidate for severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus in a ferret model

Kwang-Min Yu, Su-Jin Park, Min-Ah Yu, Young-Il Kim, Youn-Ho Choi, Jae-U Jung, Benjamin Brennan, Young-Ki Choi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

1. RFP : 매개체 전파 감염병 감시.예측 및 방제연구

2. 해당분과 : 2-1-4 과제

3. 과제명 : 중증열성혈소판감소증바이러스 (SFTSV)에 대한 인체감염모델 확립을 위한 최적의 실험동물 발굴 및 이를 이용한 백신/치료물질 유효성 검증모델 구축

4. 연구책임자 : 정혜원(충북대학교)


Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) virus (SFTSV) is an emerging tick-borne virus classified within the Banyangvirus genus. SFTS disease has been reported throughout East Asia since 2009 and is characterized by high fever, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia and has a 12 to 30% case fatality rate. Due to the recent emergence of SFTSV, there has been little time to conduct research into preventative measures aimed at combatting the virus. SFTSV is listed as one of the World Health Organization's Prioritized Pathogens for research into antiviral therapeutics and vaccine development. Here, we report 2 attenuated recombinant SFTS viruses that induce a humoral immune response in immunized ferrets and confer complete cross-genotype protection to lethal challenge. Animals infected with rHB29NSsP102A or rHB2912aaNSs (both genotype D) had a reduced viral load in both serum and tissues and presented without high fever, thrombocytopenia, or mortality associated with infection. rHB29NSsP102A- or rHB2912aaNSs-immunized animals developed a robust anti-SFTSV immune response against cross-genotype isolates of SFTSV. This immune response was capable of neutralizing live virus in a focus-reduction neutralization test (FRNT) and was 100% protective against a cross-genotype lethal challenge with the CB1/2014 strain of SFTSV (genotype B). Thus, using our midsized, aged ferret infection model, we demonstrate 2 live attenuated vaccine candidates against the emerging pathogen SFTSV.